Tuesday, April 22, 2014

7BSC ride to North Carolina in 2011

In an effort to keep people interested in visiting this blog, here is more content.  A new series of my cool rides will follow every day or two until I have covered them all.

I had never taken a long ride on Rocket until one day, after visiting North Carolina with the family, I posted on the 7 Bridges Scooter Club Facebook page, "Every road in the North Carolina mountains is better than any road in Florida".  It got everyone thinking and we decided to take the first long club ride to Brevard, NC. where we stayed in a house owned by a good friend of mine.

A group of around 12 or 13 left early in the morning of April 28, 2011.  The route took us through Blackshear, Baxley, Lyons, Louisville and Wrens, Georgia.  We crossed a dam into South Carolina here.  I remember the exhilaration of being on the scooter so far from home.  I led the group for the entire ride so planning was required.  We only made one wrong turn the entire trip and that only cost us about a mile.

We were stopped for a few minutes on the J. Strom Thurmond Dam.

While there we took rides over three days including the usual stops at waterfalls, etc.
My friend Sue at the falls.

The scooters lined up in the parking area of one of the falls.

Then rode a fantastic road over to Clingman's Dome

At the parking lot at Clingman's Dome

Scooters from the other end of the line

We visited Highlands for a few minutes.

Guys checking out our scooters

Then headed home.
Harlem, Georgia, the birthplace of Oliver Hardy

The ride totaled 1200 miles for me as one guy and I took an extra ride around Wayah road and the Nantahala area,  All in all it was a very cool ride.


  1. I'm looking forward to the ride reports. Group rides is the one thing I don't get to do as much as I should.

  2. In the next few days I will do a report similar to this for the other long rides I have done over the past four years. There have been some good ones. Then for the Cannonball, I intend to post reports and photos every evening.
