Saturday, December 2, 2017

Rocket in the Sticks

Channeling Steve Williams and his Scooter in the Sticks blog today.

I had been talking about a new project with a client I did work for last year.

It is a house to be built on a site along a small river north of Jacksonville.  The client owns 600 acres there and has chosen the site along the river with a view to the southwest.

The site is at the end of a three mile dirt and grass road that puts it in the middle of nowhere.

I have never been offered a chance to build on such an isolated lot.

It should be fun.

But the Rocket in the Sticks part is that I got to ride Rocket, following the owner's family, the three miles down the unpaved road until I got to a spot where water was deep enough to get me off the scooter and into the client's car.

We then abandoned the car to ride around the rustic area in a Kawasaki Mule.  This thing would go anywhere.  Much of the ride was off the road and even off the trails as we rode straight through the brush, knocking down small bushes and trees.  That thing would go anywhere.  I want one.

I rode out slowly, stopping to take photos of Rocket in its new environment.

 I followed the clients to the homesite

 There is even a bridge along the way

 The homesite

We made our own trails through the brush in the Mule.

 Rocket as we started back to civilization

Along the dirt road

 The view from the bridge

 Glamour shot of the old scooter

 Through puddles and mud

Back to the gate

Friday, December 1, 2017

Scooter Cannonball Run 2018

The organizers of the Scooter Cannonball Run, 2018 have now established a route, posted a website and opened registration.

I signed up as soon as I saw it on line.

It begins in Morro Bay, CA, ending in Virginia Beach, VA.

3800 miles in 10 days.

I will be riding Vanessa, my 2007 Vespa GT that finished third in the 2016 SCR. 

Hopefully, I can pick her up from Helen's house in Seattle in late March, then ride to Bodega, CA for the Coastal California Cannonball on April 1.

The finish date and location allows us to attend Amerivespa in Richmond should we want.

I can't wait until the start.

The website:

Day 1  We spend the night in Death Valley